
Welcome to #SoftwareResilience. This site/newsletter was meant to be a journal for my academic journey's highlights and key findings in Open Source Software Engineering and Software Resilience. In 2018, I started my Ph.D., trying to identify the key elements that make Open Source Software (OSS) projects resilient and successful. 5+ years later, I have not (yet) gotten my PhD, but I have a better idea of how software and resilience are connected. In September 2023, I successfully defended my thesis 🎉. In addition, I have been working (while studying) in the Software as a Service (SaaS) industry, as an Engineering Manager. That was the perfect opportunity to try and apply everything I was studying in practice!

Take a moment and look at the following strip from the awesome people at xkcd. Then raise a hand (or, even better, subscribe 😁), if you can relate…

Image by xkcd.

So how can we fix these problems? How do you fix these problems? In this newsletter, I will share with you the findings, the wins, the failures, and as a result, the lessons learned during my journey in the Software industry.


In general, the topics on this site/newsletter will revolve around:

🗻 Software Resilience for Open or Inner Source Projects
🛠️ Software Development (i.e. software quality, coding standards, documentation, etc.)
🌀 Software Processes (i.e. agile methodologies, software development lifecycle, etc.)
🧑‍💻 People (i.e. collaboration, leadership, communication, etc.)
🧠 Ad-hoc stuff, I find interesting (my Substack, my rulez!)

I will be happy to engage with you in a conversation (we can use comments, either on posts or notes) and have the chance to learn from you as well 🙇.

A couple of things about me

I am Apostolos, a software engineer “made in Greece”. I am currently based in Thessaloniki serving as an Engineering Manager at InstaShop, a leading company in quick commerce and part of Delivery Hero group of companies. In the past, I collaborated as an Engineering Technical Lead, IT Expert and Software Engineer with companies and institutions like the European Commission, Toggl, A.U.Th, C.E.R.T.H., HELLENiQ ENERGY, and more. I have also co-founded and served as the CTO at Social Mind, an e-commerce and digital marketing solutions agency in Greece, between 2014 and 2022 when I exited the board of directors and stakeholders. Social Mind is still active and growing 💪. I remain active as a researcher as well. Following the successful defense of my Ph.D., I am now studying Inner Source Software Engineering on a Post-Doctorate level.

If you like what you see, consider subscribing, so you can receive my latest posts directly to your inbox. You can join the conversation using the #SoftwareResilience hashtag on Twitter and LinkedIn.

NOTE: You can unsubscribe anytime using the link at the end of each newsletter issue.

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Discussing software resilience and software engineering in the Open Source and Inner Source realms.


I am writing the "Software Resilience" | Engineering Manager @ InstaShop | Researcher in Open / Inner Source, Software Engineering & Software Resilience | <3 new technologies and all things open... and coffee :)